Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Family FUN...

How embarrassed am I to start this post after being silent for almost 6 months... I guess it is never too late...
My reason for not writing anything was "I have so much to catch up and so many pictures I want to sort to post my favorites..." Well, it did not get better but I have decided that I need to move on with the present and maybe I will go backward afterwards...

We have been enjoying the Fall weather (besides the last four days where it has been raining constantly) by going out every day to playgrounds, parks and meeting with friends.
We have also spent a lot of time in front of our yard and the boys have had so much fun playing with their newly purchased scooters, tricycles and cars (thank goodness for consignment sales and Craigslist!)

Adam loved our Burke Lake outing to the fishing pier and had his second experience fishing (his first one being at Myrtle Beach last April)... and he caught a fish! He was so proud of himself but also would not get close to the fish at all! It took a lot of talking on our part for him to stand by the fish to take the picture!

Adam and Antoine are obsessed with firetrucks, police, taxis, garbage trucks, motorcycles and buses... Each time we are in the car driving somewhere we all play the game "who is the first who will see...".
So a couple of weeks ago we went to the Firestation open house and the boys had a blast... They were able to go into the trucks, ambulances, and police cars and pretend they were driving them, got their blood pressure checked and loved being around firemen and police officers...